
Quartered Log Cabin (Emerald version--finished!)

Quartered Log Cabin (Emerald version--finished!)

It's done!  This beauty started a bit differently than most of my quilts.  It started with a question raised by another quilt I had made, the Quartered Log Cabin Quilt (white...

Quartered Log Cabin (Emerald version--finished!)

It's done!  This beauty started a bit differently than most of my quilts.  It started with a question raised by another quilt I had made, the Quartered Log Cabin Quilt (white...

learning more about free-motion quilting

learning more about free-motion quilting

  I've said it before and I'll say it again: quilting is my growth area. I'm not horrible, but I'm not awesome. With a new machine in my studio, one...

learning more about free-motion quilting

  I've said it before and I'll say it again: quilting is my growth area. I'm not horrible, but I'm not awesome. With a new machine in my studio, one...

Well Being Quilt - new publication

Well Being Quilt - new publication

New publication alert!  This is my Well Being quilt... You can find it in the QuiltCon magazine put out by Interweave. There's an improv pattern for it, too! The magazine...

Well Being Quilt - new publication

New publication alert!  This is my Well Being quilt... You can find it in the QuiltCon magazine put out by Interweave. There's an improv pattern for it, too! The magazine...

before the cream sets out too long (you must WIP it!)

before the cream sets out too long (you must WI...

I finished up the top to my Disco quilt!  This is one I started about a year ago and blogged about at the time.  The pattern is from Jaybird Quilts and...

before the cream sets out too long (you must WI...

I finished up the top to my Disco quilt!  This is one I started about a year ago and blogged about at the time.  The pattern is from Jaybird Quilts and...

Retreat Report: Teaching at QuiltCon 2015

Retreat Report: Teaching at QuiltCon 2015

I had the best time at Quilt Con. It was great. I love this event for getting to see old friends and make new friends and teach old skills and...

Retreat Report: Teaching at QuiltCon 2015

I had the best time at Quilt Con. It was great. I love this event for getting to see old friends and make new friends and teach old skills and...

Quilts in the Show - Quilt Con 2015

Quilts in the Show - Quilt Con 2015

Hey ya'll ←  Look! I'm ready to go South! Put me on a jet plane! I hop on a plane down to Texas tomorrow morning.  Before I go, I wanted...

Quilts in the Show - Quilt Con 2015

Hey ya'll ←  Look! I'm ready to go South! Put me on a jet plane! I hop on a plane down to Texas tomorrow morning.  Before I go, I wanted...