before the cream sets out too long (you must WIP it!)

before the cream sets out too long (you must WIP it!)


I finished up the top to my Disco quilt!  This is one I started about a year ago and blogged about at the time.  The pattern is from Jaybird Quilts and my fabric choices were influenced mightily by Rebekah's quilt (sorry, I can't find hers on her blog, I saw it at the Ann Arbor Modern Quilt Guild).

The fabrics are about 30% from Bonnie Christine's line "Sweet as Honey" & 25% from Denyse Schmidt's "Flea Market Fancy" and 45% a big mix from my stash.  


You can cut this quilt out with a rotary cutter and ruler, but I cut mine on my Accuquilt.  It was really quick and awesome!  The piecing was pretty quick until I got to the last step of assembling those 90" columns (why did I make it twin-sized?!) This quilt ended up in the WIP pile instead of the "done" pile because of those columns; I thought they looked like torture.  However, once I sat down to do them, they REALLY weren't that bad.  


And now I have another flimsy awaiting #youmustWIPit phase two!  Oh, and speaking of quilting, I really like the quilting on this Disco quilt by Jaybird Quilts (I think this is Angela Walters's quilting) --think I could do something similar?  It's a goal worth working towards, right?


Alright, back to my WIP pile!

*I am affiliated with Accuquilt.

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