Well Being Quilt - new publication
New publication alert! This is my Well Being quilt...
You can find it in the QuiltCon magazine put out by Interweave. There's an improv pattern for it, too! The magazine is on news stands or you can buy it online. I actually saw it at a local bookstore (Nicola's) and was tempted to nerd out and tell the clerk they should put a special sign on it because it features three Ann Arbor quilters! Debbie's quilt is on the cover (go girl!); Brenda and I are featured inside. The quilts from the non-Ann Arbor folks are stellar as well, I love this one from Kristy Daum.
I really love how they styled my quilt in the magazine and they included my narrative about why it is called "Well Being" and how the design flows from that meaning; I'll leave it up to you to pick up the magazine if you're interested.
I do have a few extra bloggy tidbits--fabric descriptions! The white is Kona Snow. That blue is Malibu from Michael Miller Cotton Couture. I'm a bit obsessed with that blue lately. It's the same blue from Emily's Nonsense. The prints are from left to right, starting at the top and going row by row: Skinny La Minx (from a scrap pack sold online); a block print I made in Lotta Jonsdotter's class in Quilt Con 2013; Cotton + Steel Basics; a potato print I made to go in this quilt; more Skinny La Minx; Anna Maria Horner; Yoshiko Jinzenji (this a scrap left from my Arne quilt); more Skinny La Minx; and a japanese print I bought from Bunny's Designs. I adore these prints and they have the added bonus of being designs I haven't used ad naseum.
Here's me today trying to photograph this quilt without going outside...
Test shot to see if I need to zoom out...
Yes, I need to zoom out. Also, our dogs are weirdos.
Whoops. forgot to zoom out.
That's better, but includes a dog's tail and I don't think the blue is reading correctly.
What if I toss the quilt on this couch?
Oh look there's a sneak peak of the print on the back!
Looks snuggly.
I'm going to sit down.
Another doggy photo bomb!
I wish this photo was zoomed out more because the dog is being hilarious.
Vin knows that she's not allowed on the couch, so she has thrown her upper body across my lap, whilst keeping her back legs on the ground. She's not touching the couch. Good dog? Good for a laugh anyway.
Have a great day everyone!