Retreat Report: Teaching at QuiltCon 2015
I had the best time at Quilt Con. It was great. I love this event for getting to see old friends and make new friends and teach old skills and learn new skills and ogle quilts and laugh and play. It’s truly wonderful.
I taught my reverse appliqué method and gave a lecture on culture and copyright. I think they went well!
I sat in on a few lectures & took a class from the quilters of Gee's Bend. It was a great experience.
(4 photos by me; photo top right is by Sarah Minshall; Lynn Harris took the photo at center bottom)
I’ve been home from QuiltCon for a week now. And the best way I can describe it is that it has felt like a week of Mondays.
I’ve felt a bit guilty about needing some extra sleep.
I’m filled with great memories of the weekend that went before.
I’ve made a to do list that is overwhelmingly long.
Everything feels a bit more like a chore than it usually does.
It’s a Quilt Con come down.
And a real-life gear-up.
But I have no complaints.
I actually quite like Mondays.
I tend to get a lot done on Mondays.
I’ve been bing-bang-booming my way through stuff.
I’ve been following up on stuff.
Important details on studio renovations have been pinned down.
My current sewing room has been tidied up.
Teaching applications have been filed.
Website building is back in full swing.
Upcoming deadlines have been mapped out.
The dogs have been walked and walked again.
Life is good.
Happy Monday.