
Stash Management

Stash Management

Sometimes I really like Mondays.  The fresh start of it all.  I like being able to put everything in its place, think through what I need to be accomplished that...

Stash Management

Sometimes I really like Mondays.  The fresh start of it all.  I like being able to put everything in its place, think through what I need to be accomplished that...

Had to Make It -- Poolside Tote

Had to Make It -- Poolside Tote

Do you ever see a new pattern and just know that you have to make it? That's how I felt when I saw Anna's (noodlehead's) new pattern, the poolside tote....

Had to Make It -- Poolside Tote

Do you ever see a new pattern and just know that you have to make it? That's how I felt when I saw Anna's (noodlehead's) new pattern, the poolside tote....

Shadow Boxes Patchwork - with tutorial and giveaway

Shadow Boxes Patchwork - with tutorial and give...

Hi all!  What's up?  I'm back after a FANTASTIC honeymoon, a super-fun time at Camp Stitchalot, and a week or so of trying to get my feet back on the...

Shadow Boxes Patchwork - with tutorial and give...

Hi all!  What's up?  I'm back after a FANTASTIC honeymoon, a super-fun time at Camp Stitchalot, and a week or so of trying to get my feet back on the...

QuiltCon & London:  Exciting teaching announcements!

QuiltCon & London: Exciting teaching announcem...

I'm so excited to announce that I'll be teaching at QuiltCon 2015! My class is based on my painted pebbles quilt (pictured below) and it covers two reverse applique methods....

QuiltCon & London: Exciting teaching announcem...

I'm so excited to announce that I'll be teaching at QuiltCon 2015! My class is based on my painted pebbles quilt (pictured below) and it covers two reverse applique methods....

new quilt pattern: Improv Echoed Hexagons

new quilt pattern: Improv Echoed Hexagons

Members of the Modern Quilt Guild should have a special treat in their email new pattern! (UPDATE:  this pattern is now available to non-members in the Rossie Crafts pattern store...

new quilt pattern: Improv Echoed Hexagons

Members of the Modern Quilt Guild should have a special treat in their email new pattern! (UPDATE:  this pattern is now available to non-members in the Rossie Crafts pattern store...

Retreat Report: Bag Making at Camp Stitchalot

Retreat Report: Bag Making at Camp Stitchalot

Oh, I so needed a getaway, and one came just in time! The polar vortex was brutal.  Ann Arbor had the snowiest winter on record.  It has been profoundly cold as...

Retreat Report: Bag Making at Camp Stitchalot

Oh, I so needed a getaway, and one came just in time! The polar vortex was brutal.  Ann Arbor had the snowiest winter on record.  It has been profoundly cold as...