thank you notes

thank you notes

Have you seen this blog?
THX THX THX: a thank you note a day
I'm in love with it!

The most recent thank you to continuums seems particularly apt today as I'm still processing much of the feedback and comments I've received about my Mutant Quilting post. By the way, I responded to many of the comments in the comments section of that post. 

There seems to be a lot of interest in talking about processes more, finding ways to push ourselves further in quilting and also to try to sort out some more vocabulary for types of modern quilting.  For me, much of this connects to continuums because it's all about scooching and nudging, not switching out or ruling out.  Cheryl and I are talking about ways to keep the nudging up and the dialogue open, so I think you'll see more from us on this soon!

Also, I started to try to make a map of what I would call contemporary, modern, geometric, etc... and I came to realize that much of it lies in the middle ground: continuums layered upon continuums.  But I'm starting to see the archetypes on the ends of the continuums more and more clearly.  I'll keep plugging away at this.  I think I need to spend some time at the library, quite honestly, and maybe go see if I can get some of the faculty in art, design, architecture, whatever to talk with me.  But I can't do that just yet because I've still got masses of paperwork from last semester to process (oh joy!)

Back to thank you notes:   I've sent a few thank you notes for graduation presents out last week.  I hadn't planned ahead, so I didn't have time to order some nice handmade ones off of etsy (I would have had these), but I did find some cute ones at Target.
You see how I've written names on the top?  Those are the people to whom I've sent the cards.  This box has dozens of cards still in it...this way, if I'm looking for a thank you card at some point in the future, I'll know if a person has already had a copy of this card.  If they have, I'll find another card or make something!  Because I tend to buy boxes of cards and use them slowly, I find this system really handy. 

I've been working on The Code Quilt top.  This is on my Spring to Finish to do list (I'm hanging tough with two down six to go). This is my Common Threads quilting bee quilt, you can see the plan here.

 After this rough throw down...
  I decided I needed one more line of text, so I've decided to spell "thank you notes"

 I'll be cranking that out tonight as I watch House and whatever else my TiVo has for me. 

Talk soon,
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