Republic of Cats! (an improv flag quilt)

Republic of Cats! (an improv flag quilt)

This improv flag quilt top (and these photos!) are from the summer/fall of 2017.  Somehow I managed to finish this quilt top and then neither blog this quilt nor quilt it!  

I know why—Simon was born at the end of 2017. 

I’ve endeavoring to wrap up some of these lingering projects, so the Republic of Cats came out of hiding and is under construction again! I’m piecing a quilt back out of all the extra cat fabrics I seem to have.  I was amazed at home much cat fabric was in my stash—this is a queen sized quilt and I could easily cover it!

-- read more about stashbusting with quilt backs in my recent post--

Your improv flag quilt doesn’t have to be about cats.  You don’t even have to use novelty fabric…but I do recommend it.  It’s so much fun.  There are so many great fabrics for Halloween, animals, trucks, Disney characters, etc!  I say celebrate what you love and keep as much joy in your life as you can! You really only need one good fabric to set the tone. This whole quilt is about those green cats (gosh do I love that green!)(and those cats!)

If you like to make a quilt like this, please consider signing up for my Patreon ($3/month).  This is a special membership where you gain access to my studio notes for my quilts.  Want to know the measurements I used for these improv quilt blocks?  Want to know about my sashing?  It's all on Patreon, plus I'm even more accessible there than I am here!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

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