Quilt Like an Artist - book club this month!
I want to take a moment to point you guys towards one of my favorite books: Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
by Austin Kleon
This is a book filled with solid advice for cutting past visual and emotional clutter and just doing your work. There are also some truly great ideas on how to be inspired by others without unfairly copying their art. While it's fairly inexpensive ($8.50), it's also something a lot of libraries have!
I've used this book while teaching University classes where we discuss intellectual property, it's one of the texts I quote in my lecture, Steal, Deviate, Mutate: Making Quilts Like an Artist, and I talked about it a bit in my lecture on Copyright, Culture, and Quilting at Quilt Con 2015.
If this book interests you, please note that I will be moderating a discussion of this book in the forums of Craft Industry Alliance (CIA) this coming January! CIA is a new trade organization for makers, suppliers, designers, and pro bloggers. You will need to be a member to join in on the book chat, but there's a discount for joining CIA by January 1st ($48 for a year vs. $60 for a year) and the membership has a lot of benefits, so it's worth considering.