publication: 101 patchwork projects

publication: 101 patchwork projects

On the one hand, I love bed-sized quilts.
On the other hand, I think that a lot of blocks look better in small quilts, where there aren't so many blocks that busyness takes over.

For example, I   L-O-V-E  this mini quilt by Amanda (msmcporkchop).  But I also think it is perfect as just this one block. Any more, and it would be too much. 

Oregon Star
(block and photo by msmcporkchop, seen on flickr)

I've also noticed that I sometimes make blocks that look good in multiples, but only in one long strip.  Or in a small 2x2 square.

What do I do with these?  I put them in a dresser drawer to hobnob with other temporarily-set-aside friends.

Last fall, when Interweave Press asked me if I could could write a table-runner and placemat pattern for them, my first reaction was to be flattered they had asked, followed quickly by confusion as to why they would ask me for patchwork that wasn't blanket-oriented.  I am so blanket-oriented. Lately, only big blankets.

Then I remembered my orphaned blocks, some of which looked good in long strips, but not in anything larger, and I realized I already had a table runner design waiting for me in my dresser.

So I pulled out the blocks, which were too small and too short, but quite interesting.  And I made another set of blocks--bigger and longer and better.  And I wrote down how to do it.  And I made a few placemats to go with the tablerunner.  And I sent the explanation and runner and placemats off to Interweave.  I had no idea if they'd like what I had to offer, since the pattern is (a) improvisational, (b) stack-and-whack, and (c) stark. 

But they did like it.  And so I'm pleased to announce its in 101 Patchwork Projects and Quilts.

I've just received my own copies in the mail and am rather impressed with this magazine.  It is jam-packed with cool projects, not to mention quite a few names I recognize: Esch House Quilts (Debbie), A Stitch in Dye (Malka), Summersville (Lucie), The Quilt Engineer (Latifah), Film in the Fridge (Ashley) and I Heart Linen (Rashida).  Also, really nice paper; this magazine will hold up under use!

 Keep your eyes open for the magazine at the shops and give it a look when you see it!  It should be for sale next week.

In the meantime, I've got an extra copy that I will give away to one lucky person. 

They sent me three copies, so I figure one for me, one for you, and one for my Grandma (a granddaughter in a quilting magazine is bragging GOLD in her nursing home. )

To enter,  leave a comment on this post and I will pull a winner on Monday morning.

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