The Process Pledge

The Process Pledge

Response to my post on mutant quilting has been really cool.  It seems I'm not alone in my interests and concerns. I have made a process pledge.  The goal of the process pledge is to create a new sensibility in quilting blogs where we don’t just show finishes or occasionally confess about our moments of indecision, but chat openly and often about our works in progress, our inspirations, and our moments of decision. I know that many of us are already posting about our thinking on quilts and the processes involved from start to finish, let's do more!  And let's post about quilts as we work on them.  I want to see more half-done quilts, not just the finished thing with a journal entry about the process.
I think part of the reason I really like the blogs from quilting bees is because a lot of the process gets documented...from original concept, to raw materials, to each block in turn, and often a few drafts of the final layout.  It's awesome! So, without further ado.  Here's the process pledge. Take it, shake it, make it yours.
I, ________________, pledge to talk more about my processes, even when I can’t quite put them in the in words or be sure I’m being totally clear.   I’m going to put my thinking and my gut feelings out there.
  Put a button on your blog if you want to!  (html at the bottom of this post) Also, please add your blog to the link list so we all know who’s in. If you are on Flickr but not blogging, enter the url for your photostream. I’ve made a list of prompts to get some process posts going.  I will continue to update these prompts as time goes on, based on what I see in blogs, ideas that are submitted to me by email, and also in the comments.
  • Do you have any new sketches to show?
  • Is this design inspired by a past quilt or someone else's quilt you saw (link, please)?
  • Does the color palette come from somewhere specific?
  • Are you trying to evoke a specific feeling?
  • Is this quilt intended for a specific person?  How did that inform your choices?
  • Are you following a pattern, emulating a block you saw somewhere, using a liberated process, or totally winging it?
  • What are you hating about this quilt at this stage?  What do you love?
  • Did you push yourself to try something new?
  • In working on the quilt, are you getting ideas about what you might want to try next?  What?  Did you sketch it?
Here are the badges:
The Process Pledge
html code for above <a href=""><img alt="The Process Pledge" border="0" img="" src="" width="200" /></a>
The Process Pledge
html code for above <a href=""><img alt="The Process Pledge" border="0" img="" src="" width="200" /></a>
The Process Pledge
html code for above <a href=""><img alt="The Process Pledge" border="0" img="" src="" width="200" /></a>
In Blogger, add these by going to the "layout" tab -> click "add gadget" -> choose "HTML/JavaScript" as the gadget type -> paste in code -> save your changes! To make the button bigger or smaller, change the "200" to a bigger or smaller number. Thank you!
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