On the road

On the road

Traveling is going really well.  Since leaving Wisconsin, I’ve gone through Canada (Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec City) Maine (Greenville, Bar Harbor, Portland) Vermont (Woodstock, Burlington)  Massachusetts (Boston area) and am now in the Washington DC area.  That’s just listing the places I’ve slept, there have been day trips to other locales, including up a few mountains, down a few gorges, and down several rivers.

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I haven’t been taking very many pictures because I just haven’t been in the mood.  I realize some people might find this horrifying, but I’m not one to ruin a vacation through my efforts to document my vacation.

I did snap the moose I saw. He's just a little guy, probably 2 years old.
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Also, fabric stores.  All of the fabric stores I found in Toronto looked like this:
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My friend who was with me for the Canada stretch said they were "scary"  I was more of a mind that they were fascinating.

I made it to a fabric store in Maine (Ale Wives) and was pleased to find that it looked like this:
ale wives fabric store

I also found a few in Vermont, just by chance (walking by) because Yelp and Garmin didn't know of any and my friend in Burlington didn't have a phone book.  Fabric store owners: if you aren't listed on Yelp, add yourself.

I haven't gotten much hand-stitching done as I seem to pick up a book rather than my sewing kit when I have a moment to myself; I've sped through Katherine, When We Were OrphansOh My Stars, The Swan Thieves, The Left Hand of Darkness this month alone.  I left Michigan with stack of books in my car, acquired over the year for free from Paperback Swap, it is slowly dwindling away, so I may have to hit a bookstore soon.  Maybe I can find a used one.  What summer reading have you been enjoying?  Any recommendations in the category of literature-but-not-depressing?
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