oh, hello

oh, hello

It's been a while my last post.  I suppose I could fill in this space with details about my real job and moving and this stupid cold I caught.  But I won't.  I'll just say this: busy and happy.

I picked the Kelp Quilt up from the long-armer last week.
I love it!

Now, it just needs binding.  I'm going for candy blue.
But first I've got to get my map room in order.

It has gone from this (where's my stuff?)

To this (all-purpose stick-those-boxes-in-there room)
craft room-4

To this:  (assembled desks and tables, but still a lot of stuff and no sewing machine!)
craft room-1

And you'll notice there are no maps on the walls yet, which makes my habit of calling it the map room especially funny.  Soon enough, soon enough!
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