my favorite paints
I don't always sketch as part of my planning process.
Usually, if I'm drawing, it is more of a "get the thought down before it escapes" or a "show bee members what I'm thinking" sort of thing.
So, most of the time, if I make a drawings it is just pen marks in my moleskine:
With the quilt pictured above, I was originally thinking of going with pond colors (mineral greens) and when I went off of that idea, and started thinking of reds, I could no longer picture the outcome in my head. I painted it in order to see what it would look like. And so...
This really helped me sort out what colors I wanted because I had thought I wanted the colors to run from pure orange to pure red, but in painting, I found that red-orange to brown-red was more pleasing.
Why did I paint?
Well, to put it plainly, except for the random implement here and there, I don't have colored pencils or markers or crayons.
Why don't I have them?
I don't really like them. When I use them I always wish they performed more like my favorite paints.
These are my favorite paints. They cost $30 and I've had them for 10 years.
These are tempera cakes.
I love how they blend together.
You can see here how I've made different reds by mixing the peach, orange, brown, and red.
Usually, I like more pastel colors, so I have a second tray with several white blocks in it for mixing--that way I can have several pastel colors mixed at the same time.
These paints are non-toxic, but not washable. However, I let me neighbor's two-year-old using them regularly and just make sure he has a smock on.
He does just fine. He accidentally put a big violet smear on *my* white sweater one day, but he's never ruined his own clothes. With little ones, I recommend adding a little water to the top of each cake, but not giving them bowl of water. Bowls of water are disasters waiting to happen.
This wee dude paints masterpieces:
Including one that I have on my office wall:
If you want to try these paints out for yourself, just ask for tempura cakes at an art store.
What's your favorite art supply?
Usually, if I'm drawing, it is more of a "get the thought down before it escapes" or a "show bee members what I'm thinking" sort of thing.
So, most of the time, if I make a drawings it is just pen marks in my moleskine:
With the quilt pictured above, I was originally thinking of going with pond colors (mineral greens) and when I went off of that idea, and started thinking of reds, I could no longer picture the outcome in my head. I painted it in order to see what it would look like. And so...
This really helped me sort out what colors I wanted because I had thought I wanted the colors to run from pure orange to pure red, but in painting, I found that red-orange to brown-red was more pleasing.
Why did I paint?
Well, to put it plainly, except for the random implement here and there, I don't have colored pencils or markers or crayons.
Why don't I have them?
I don't really like them. When I use them I always wish they performed more like my favorite paints.
These are my favorite paints. They cost $30 and I've had them for 10 years.
These are tempera cakes.
I love how they blend together.
You can see here how I've made different reds by mixing the peach, orange, brown, and red.
Usually, I like more pastel colors, so I have a second tray with several white blocks in it for mixing--that way I can have several pastel colors mixed at the same time.
These paints are non-toxic, but not washable. However, I let me neighbor's two-year-old using them regularly and just make sure he has a smock on.
He does just fine. He accidentally put a big violet smear on *my* white sweater one day, but he's never ruined his own clothes. With little ones, I recommend adding a little water to the top of each cake, but not giving them bowl of water. Bowls of water are disasters waiting to happen.
This wee dude paints masterpieces:
Including one that I have on my office wall:
If you want to try these paints out for yourself, just ask for tempura cakes at an art store.
To be more specific:
The brand that I have are Alphacolor Biggies.
I recommend using them with watercolor paper and watercolor brushes.
(Even the kids should get quality paper and brushes, please!)
I have made kits of these several times as gifts. I usually order them from eNasco.
They have fantastic prices on supplies, but the shipping prices start pretty high, so I think that the deals are only good if you have a bigger order.
If you want to duplicate my set up this is what you need to order:
Alphacolor biggie cakes: http://www.enasco.com/product/9703935
extra white cakes (three): http://www.enasco.com/product/9700529%28H%29
trays for cakes (two): http://www.enasco.com/product/9716666
set of 5 brushes: http://www.enasco.com/product/3100368
watercolor paper (three packs because this price is amazing): http://www.enasco.com/product/9725348
merchandise total: $67.53
shipping (to my address, yours might be more or less): $13.68
What's your favorite art supply?