mmm...linen curtain

mmm...linen curtain

When I first moved into this apartment, there was no curtain for the front window.  So, as a temporary measure, I clipped up a wide piece of muslin.

a frayed piece of fabric hangs in a window

Four years later it was still there.
Unsightly, no? I’ll keep it small to spare your delicate eyes.
And yet, it was lovely in its own way, as it let in so much light.
And I’m the only one that uses the front room–it’s my office–so I wasn’t so worried about it.
Well, last week, my bedroom curtain fell off the wall and in order to fix it, I switched out the curtain rod and had to sew a bit.  It was maybe 20 minutes of work, using materials that I had on hand, and I loved the result.  It made me realize how much I might appreciate it if I actually did something about the office window.
I had this bit of fabric that I wanted to use:
A printed cotton fabric with some green sections and some pink sections is shown.
I had purchased this fabric because I loved the green growy bits. This fabric has *almost* been in a number of quilts, but always ends up getting pulled out.  I had an idea to bind a piece of fabric with strips of the green bits.  Because the window is almost 5′ wide, I wasn’t sure if I would have anything suitable in my stash…until I remembered this seafoam-colored linen remnant that I had tucked away:
A piece of green fabric is bound in a lovely cotton print.
And ouila!
A beautiful linen curtain hangs in a window.
The vines go up each side and meet in the middle of the top.
close up of the bound edge of a linen curtain.
I am digging it!

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