magazines and radio and jeans

magazines and radio and jeans

Dudes...there's a link to my blog in the new issue of Stitch!  : )

Also,  I'm going to be on Pat Sloan's Creative Talk Network tomorrow (Monday, September 20th).  The show airs at 4pm EST here: I'm the second guest, so you'll hear me right around 4:30.

You can catch the show live or listen to it after the fact (it is recorded and you can play it on your computer or download it to a player.)   There will also be a giveaway of some of my plexi shapes on Pat's blog, enter by Friday @ noon:

And here I was just minding my own business making things with cloth and running my mouth about processes and mutants and such.  Hmmm.  I wonder if I can parlay this into free beer.  ; )   Probably not.  : (

My jeans...want to see them?
Here they are.  I've spent most of the day dyeing some fabrics (blue, actually, all the pink is from an old, messy day).  I had to stop by my office to finish up some things since the ol' home computer is still not cooperting fully (stupid virus).  Its funny to be in these pants in this place.

Anyway, a tutorial on some new dye stuff will be posted soon.  I've been playing with a new book and some cotton of an interesting texture...must share!

Edited to add:
A few links to stuff we talked about in the interview:
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