Log cabin, anyone?
With all this time at home (my family is on Day 20 of a covid-19 quarantine), my mind has turned to the log cabin quilt. In the past I have had a lot of fun playing with this traditional pattern in unexpected ways (see below).

Right now, I'm leaning more traditional as I think of the log cabin. I’m thinking I will make one with red centers and a tight color palette...a meditation on home and spring. The red center represents the warmth of the hearth and home. My friend Dorie and I and I were texting about quilts (as you do) and discussing the log cabin and she put it so well, 'soothing, sturdy, and interesting.' It’s something most quilters make at one point or another and something I feel called to make during this quarantine. Will you join me? I’ll be posting on instagram as I go. It looks like the hashtag #logcabinQAL isn’t being used, so I’ll be using that. No prizes, no patterns for sale, just a bit of togetherness in the midst of so much seperateness.
My plan for the blocks (all are 2.5" wide, the numbers are the length). These do have to be pieced in order, but its' not tricky! I will add a link to a tutorial at the bottom of this post.

My planned palette:

Are you thinking of making a quilt during quarantine? If so, will it be a log cabin quilt or some other design? Will if be a reflection on this time or a distraction from it?
If you are thinking of starting quilting, I've got my recommendations for how to start in this earlier blog post.
For a tutorial on piecing my block, check out the free post on my Patreon!