I've got a Patreon! + Atomic Log Cabin Quilt

I've got a Patreon! + Atomic Log Cabin Quilt

What is it about Log Cabin Blocks? Once I start playing with them, I just keep going! 

Atomic Log Cabin

I’ve been sharing this quilt on Instagram as I have made it and I had number of people ask for a pattern for this quilt. Here’s a little secret: while I always make notes to myself about what I’m making—the heart of a pattern—adding in all the details that need to be added to make it a full-fledged pattern takes me ages and is no fun. I recently learned that other people can follow my studio notes with ease and so I’ve decided to make them available to people using Patreon. Patreon is a membership service where you pay creators a monthly fee and the they provide you with exclusive content. If you’re interested in my Patreon, here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/rossiecrafts.

The notes for this Atomic Log Cabin are live for patrons and there’s stuff for free, too! 

I will still be blogging and instagramming, but this is an additional way for me to share.

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