

The DoublePlusGood Quilt is featured on Modern Day Quilts today.  Pop on over to see not only a new photo of this quilt but an interview that covers a wide variety of topics, including some provocation about the meaning of modern.

I had a good time up north.  Fresh air and fly fishing!

I like fly fishing mostly because I like putting on waders and strolling down the river.  The Au Sable River is about 6" higher than normal, which meant there were a few times when the a lot of me was underwater and the current was doing its darndest to tip me over.  But, I managed to stay on my feet, stay dry, and even catch a fish.

Since returning, i have been plugging away on Miss Stinky's close to being done piecing!
Each block needs another round.  And I'm thinking I need to unbalance it in the final layout.  We shall see...
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