colorful flowers surround the quote "the mother of modern quilting"


Heather Grant was so kind to interview me recently and I'm absolutely floored by her post today in which she calls me "the mother of modern quilting."  She did warn me that she was thinking along those lines and had run it up the flag pole with a few people.  I mean...I know Fresh Modern Quilts has been important to people, but I didn't realize that starting it was a big deal when it happened and I'm not sure how well the honorary sits with me, but at the same time, I'm proud of it!

"Rossie lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, blogs and is the Mother of the modern quilting movement. Denyse Schmidt was the mentor and muse to many of us, but Rossie found us, corralled us together, started connections, facilitated inspiration and honed the aesthetic meaning of modern quilting. If you have not seen her video on modern quilting, I encourage you to check it out. It is very much worth it."  -Heather Grant, Modern Day Quilts, 2011

You can read more of Heather's thoughts and our interview on her blog Modern Day Quilts.

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