

So, my really rather new laptop needs serious tech support and I'm not going to be able to get that done for a few weeks because I'm going to be camping in Canada then sashaying around Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec City and then various parts of Maine.

I have other gadgets with me that will let me read blogs and look at flickr, but as far as me posting anything?  I think that's not going to happen until I've reached Burlington Vermont, where I'm staying for a bit.  Basically, July 15th at the earliest.  Sad.

Oh well, hopefully when I come back, I'll have photos of moose.  I'm dying to see one in person.

And maybe I'll have some more cathedral windows.

Good ol' hand-sewing project!

as far as I got

In the meantime, if you need something to chew on, chew on this:
"My father’s an artist and I remember talking to him about wanting to be an artist and saying to him if I can do art that changes people over time, shows them something for a second or a minute, changes their mind about something, that would be really worthwhile."  --Phil Toledano  via The 99 Percent.

I don't like the distinction that craft produces "useful" objects and art produces "not useful"and I love this sentiment about the use of art...to change people, to show them something, to open them up and get them thinking.
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