for the love of improv

for the love of improv

Hey ya’ll!  I want to point your towards my friend Malka Dubrawsky’s upcoming class "10 Ways to Love Improvisation" on Creative Live.
If you RSVP, you can watch it for free on October 8th and 9th (use this link: )
The class will be available for purchase in recorded form later on.
Malka is one of my favorite quilters.  Her work has been a great influence on mine.  I learned itajime shibori from her.  I first fell in love with “low volume” patchwork because of her (she coined that term and was blogging about it back in 2008!) 
And of course, we share a love of improvisational patchwork.  Malka’s work continues to take my breath away.  I mean, look at what she just casually posted on Instagram a few days ago…
The lady is amazing.
Also, improvisational patchwork is amazing. I love doing it, seeing it, and I love talking about it.
On a recent afternoon, I used improv to block out the world and ignore my long to do list and generally get a grip.  I started with a couple of prints that I was dying to combine (one is from Pretty Potent, the other from Winged), I added a few scraps from my scrap bin and some white solid and I started cutting and sewing.
For four hours.
Improv2 Four hours of just digging in. Improv5
In the end, I had this:
And I had piece of mind.  And peacefulness.  Whatever had been bugging me, I have shaken off.  And I had the start of a great quilt.  Gotta love that improv! I’m looking forward to hearing what Malka has to teach on the subject and hope you’ll join in as well.
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