Clothing and Quilt Color Palette

Clothing and Quilt Color Palette

Yesterday, about halfway through the day, I realized that I my outfit coordinated exactly with this baby quilt I made a while back:
I made this quilt last summer as part of Old Red Barn Co's quilt along.  The turquoise squares are not part of the original pattern.

(old picture...oooo, I miss that greenery!)

That's my own quilting design, too.

I made the questionable decision of backing this in solid black and then quilting it with gray thread, so my little quavery missteps in quilting (which I *like* on the front) look really stark and weird on the back.  Oh well, you live and you learn, right?

I think this quilt would look really great as a wall-hanging in an ultra-modern stainless steel and cement kitchen.  Too bad I don't have one of those!
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