Autumn Columns (the Oakshott Blog Hop)
I love autumn and Michigan is having a truly beautiful one this year!
Full disclosure: Oakshott sent me these fabrics at no cost. All opinions are my own and are genuine.
I’ve also been excited about shot cottons since I first laid eyes
on them over five years ago. And I
really enjoy mixing shot cottons with modern prints, which happens in my
DoublePlusGood quilt and in my megaXPlus quilt. They add a lovely complexity to the patchwork. Oakshotts are among my favorite shot cottons--the colors are wonderful, the fabric doesn't curl when you press it, and the weight is very similar to standard quilting cottons.
Today’s post shows my first quilt top made entirely from
shot cottons. I made these simple improv
columns so that the colors in the Autumn fabric bundle would really shine. And I’m sharing this quilt with you today as
part of the blog hop for Oakshott’s Autumn bundle.
Fat eighth bundle of Autumn Oakshott fabrics
½ yard if Nilgiri (the bluest fabric in the Autumn bundle)
½ yard of white Oakshott
My quilt is 48" x 64"; I could have made it even larger as I didn't use all of the fabrics.
Be sure to catch all the stops on this blog tour--each has a tutorial!
21 October Sonia Spence www.fabricandflowersuk.blogspot.co.uk
22 October Rossie Hutchinson r0ssie.blogspot.com
24 October Mary Menzer fairlymerry.blogspot.com
28 October Alison Dutton www.allison-sews.blogspot.com/
29 October Nicholas Ball www.quiltsfromtheattic.wordpress.com
30 October Kati Spencer www.fromthebluechair.com
31 October Wynn Tan www.zakkaart.typepad.com