a wedding quilt from my guild

a wedding quilt from my guild

At a guild meeting just a few weeks before our wedding, I was surprised to receive this quilt from the Ann Arbor Quilt Guild:
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Pictured here with awesome quilter and friend Jenna, who is stopping the wind from toppling that quilt frame!  The colors are truest in the bottom picture in case you are curious.

I was in such a frazzled state at the meeting that I have no idea if I thanked them properly, so I've been meaning to make sure I post a proper thank you here to MAKE SURE they know how much this quilt means to Jon and me.  WE LOVE IT.  We love that they took the time and care to make it for us. I love the colors and the design and the quilting and the thoughtful label.

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I almost hesitate to name the few names that I know did some specific work, because I know that a lot of people contributed their time and materials and artistry.   But I'm pretty sure that I'm remembering correctly that a lot of folks made blocks, the ringleader was Dorie Schwarz, with help from Debbie Grifka and Brenda Ratliff, and it was quilted by Kathy Koch.   The design is a variation of the "Lone Square"--a modern pattern that is a favorite here in Ann Arborland.  Thanks again for all the love and support, guild-mates! See you on Wednesday!

To anyone who has been thinking of joining a guild of any kind, I heartily encourage you to do so.  While not all guilds are the same and not every moment is 100% awesome, my guild has been a real blessing in my life since the first meeting I attended.

Bonus fact: my quilt guild is how I met Jon (he's a long-time friend of Brenda's), which has worked out pretty well.  :-)

You can find a listing of chapters of the Modern Quilt Guild on their website, I recommend googling for other types of guilds, and/or asking at local fabric/crafts stores.
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